This is a multi-functional parachute dori bag. It can be used as a sports bag, travel bag, storage bag, and so on. It is lightweight so that you can carry it anywhere you want to. The water-proof oxford fabric is good for people who don’t want to wash bags usually. So convenient that you can’t miss it. Drawstring Bags come in many trendy and functional designs. The bags have a convenient drawstring closure.
These bags are designed for everyday usage. Such as sports, gyms, college, school, cycling, running, tuition, shopping, day hike even just hanging out with friends. Drawstring Bags are made from high-quality and durable water-resistant that keeps your sports gear safe from outer climate and will guarantee to outlast rough usage for years. Every bag is equipped with double laced heavy-duty drawstrings that help to distribute the entire weight on your shoulders and the strings are heat fused for extra durability. Drawstring Bags are suited for all ages. For kids, Men, Women, Girls, Boys, Male, Female Use them for school, college, university, sports, Travelling, tours, Hiking, Gym, and many other uses. Eash to carry and hangover to shoulder. Premium quality parachute material. Ideal size.
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